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XP2016 Edinburgh, Scotland
May 24th - 27th 2016
The mission of the XP2016 conference is to further the state of agile and lean software development by providing a forum at which an international group of experts and novices from both industry and academia can meet and learn from each other.
NCrafts 2016 Paris France
May 12th - 13th 2016
Created by developers for developers, nCrafts is an ephemeral learning ground for professional developers who care for quality code and bettering their practices.
GeeConf Kraków, Poland
May 11 -12 , 2016
Java and JVM based technologies, dynamic languages, enterprise architectures, patterns, distributed computing, software craftsmanship, mobile and much more.
YOW! West Perth, Australia
May 3rd - 4th 2016
YOW! West Conference brings top international Development experts and local thought leaders to Perth.
CraftConf Budapest, Hungary
April 26th - 29th 2016
CRAFT is about software craftsmanship, presenting which tools, methods, practices should be part of the toolbox of a modern developer and company, and serving as compass on new technologies, trends. You can learn from the best speakers and practitioners in our community.
AATC Raleigh, North Carolina USA
April 7th - 9th 2016
Agile Alliance is a nonprofit organization with global membership, committed to advancing Agile development principles and practices.
Mile High Agile Denver, Colorado USA
April 4th 2016
Mile High Agile 2016 conference “Elevating Agility” taking a broader approach that would appeal to an entire agile team at any stage of maturity by offering tracks that are more technical, more practical and more experiential.